March 18, 2020
The safety (and health) of the employees here at JB Henderson Construction (JBH) is a core value and our foremost business concern. As such, we are implementing several new proactive measures as outlined below to reduce the potential transmission of COVID-19 (also known as “coronavirus”) between personnel. Federal, state and/or customer/jobsite directives may supersede this policy and compliance with such is expected.
Currently, there are no confirmed nor presumed cases of COVID-19 among JBH workers and, as such, JB Henderson is open and operating on a normal schedule at all but a few specific job sites. There is no current plan to change any planned work, but we will continue to monitor and adjust our approach as required and as things evolve.
We have implemented the following measures immediately:
- Notification of COVID-19 Virus or Potential Exposure to Virus: Workers are REQUIRED to report a positive test or suspected positive (i.e., have recently been in close contact with someone who tested positive). Each case will be handled independently using CDC/HIPAA/medical privacy post risk assessment criteria.
- Attendance at Work: We know that it is not possible for all, but for those who can work from home should do so. Each person should work with their manager to develop a plan as soon as possible. If necessary, contact JBH IT (via Helpdesk ticketing system) for assistance/guidance on working from home.
- Cleaning/Sanitizing: We have and will continue to implement enhanced cleaning in fab shops, offices, doors, bathrooms,etc.
- Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water.
- Isolation/Social Distancing: Please ensure that you are following the guidelines as followed:
- Personnel exhibiting flu-like symptoms are REQUIRED to stay home until they have been symptom-free for no less than 24 hours. In an over-abundance of caution, JBH reserves the right to send a worker home who exhibits flu-like systems (E.g., runny nose, sore throat, cough, fever 100.4 and above, difficulty breathing)
- If you feel sick and are worried about the coronavirus, call or telehealth with your doctor. Don’t rush to the ER. The coronavirus is highly contagious, and doctors want to protect themselves and their other patients from infection.
- Some states have implemented coronavirus hotline numbers you are asked to call before seeking doctor’s care. As of March 18, 2020, the following states have hotlines in place: Arizona – 1-844-542-8201 or, New Mexico – 1- 855-600-3453 or
- Social Distancing
- Practice social distancing techniques with customers, suppliers, vendors and between co-workers.
- Handshaking is discouraged. This is atypical for us and we need to constantly coach each other on it.
- You are reminded to not touch your mouth, nose or eyes to prevent contracting the virus.
- JBH will be instituting the following effective March 18, 2020 to help meet these requirements:
- Mass Communications Meetings are canceled effective immediately. However, communication will continue through electronic methods or Toolbox Topics (TBT).
- Travel: All international travel is prohibited along with non-essential domestic air, bus or train travel as well. For the time being, all company travel will need to be pre-approved by John Stroud. In addition, JBH strongly encourages all personal travel be suspended as well, especially to known domestic COVID-19 hot spots to include, for example, Seattle, Portland, New York, and San Francisco and appreciates notification when/if personal travel occurs.
- Employees are asked to consider using video teleconferencing/Skype in lieu of face-to-face meetings and to invite only essential people to meetings. When possible, they are encouraged to conduct in-person meetings with enough space to allow a minimum of six feet between participants. In person meetings are limited to a maximum of 10 people. Ultimately, if you can, refrain from non- essential face to face meetings of any kind at this time.
- Employees are asked to stagger their lunch breaks and avoid congregating in lunch or break rooms, if possible.
- JBH is asking its employees to follow Center for Disease Control (CDC) hygiene guidance. Information regarding COVID-19 can also be accessed through the World Health Organization (WHO). cdc/gov/coronavirus
JBH appreciates your understanding and help in these manners. This is an unprecedented challenge to the citizens in the U.S. and we have an opportunity to help meet that challenge. We need to do our part to lead this health and safety effort just like we do with all efforts involved in caring for our people.
As this is a fluid situation, JBH continues to monitor this situation and may change or discontinue any part or parts of this policy set forth herein at any time without prior notice.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us or your supervisor for assistance.
Mark G. Henderson
John Stroud