ENR SW Celebrates JBH Industry Contributions for 2012

ENR SW recognized JBH for two important accomplishments at its Best of 2012 Awards luncheon held on November 27th in Phoenix, Arizona. JBH President John Stroud accepted the Top Specialty Contractor of the year award celebrating revenue growth, industry advancement, and community involvement. Additionally;  owner, engineer and contractor personnel were present to receive the Best of 2012 project award for the Sandia National Laboratories Molten Salt Test Loop project. Members of JBH AZ and New Mexico offices were in attendance to commemorate this celebratory event.


Above:  Molten Salt Test Loop Project Team accepting plaque at ENR Awards in Phoenix. (L to R) PM, Jeremy Byington, Piping Superintendent Bill Brown, Owner’s Representative Bill Kolb (Sandia National Laboratories) , Mechanical Engineer Dwight Dorsey (Bridgers and Paxton Consulting Engineers).


Below:  JBH President John Stroud accepts the  award for Specialty Contractor of the Year with support from JBH NM and Arizona offices and key industry partners.